
Monday, April 22, 2013

Q & A

Back in March, Nat of Knit by Nat nominated me for a Liebster Award.  What is a Liebster Award you ask?  It's a way for bloggers to nominate fellow bloggers who are lesser known.  Kinda like a "word of mouth" game.  Or something like that.  I'm not going to nominate anyone here (though there are plenty I could!), but I thought I'd take part in some aspects of the award.  One is to list 11 facts about yourself and the other is to answer the 11 questions posed to you by the person that nominated you.  I really meant to do this back in March, but March was really crazy for me that I never got around to it.  So, here goes!

11 Facts:
  • My confirmation name was Helen, after my grandmother. I had to search pretty hard to find a Saint Helen.
  • I have a Masters degree in Chemistry. I specialized in organic chemistry to be exact.
  • I met Mr. SpiderKate outside of our college gym.
  • I had a puking incident involving spaghetti sauce as a child and haven't liked it ever since.  I'm slowing outgrowing it.
  • The very first time I took the car out after getting my license, I woke up the next morning to my dad asking me what happened to the hubcaps.  My first thought was "what are hubcaps".  Yup, someone stole my hubcaps on my first outing with the car.
  • My middle name is Rose.
  • I'm the oldest of three and fit the oldest child profile to a tee.
  • My mom named me Katherine because she thought it was a strong name.  The back up boy name was Kevin.  I don't think, as a boy, I would fit the name Kevin.
  • I listen to the Kidd Kraddick Show every weekday.  I listen to almost the whole show.  I knit a lot while listening.
  • I consider myself a morning person and a night person.  (I know, it doesn't make any sense!)
  • I'm a nervous traveler.  I like to be really early to the airport.

11 Questions:
1. Would you rather take 3 hour flight or 25 hour road trip?
Tough one....probably the 3 hour flight.  If I didn't have to drive a lot, then definitely the 25 hour road trip.
2. What is your favourite blog post you've done?
I can't think of a favorite.  Probably any involving knitting with my mom & sister. 
3. What is your idea of a perfect Sunday morning?
Coffee coffee coffee. And knitting. In bed.
4. What do you wish you knew how to do better?
Knittingwise - colorwork & knitting garments.  Lifewise - I wish I had a better understanding of cooking; baking I not so much.
5. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee & tea.
6. If you had enough room for one project in your luggage to bring on a trip, what would it be?
7.  What time of day are you most creative?
8. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?
I don't think I could be anyone else besides Kate. 
9. Chips or Chocolate?
10. In a room full of strangers, do you stand on the side lines, mingle politely, or become the life of the party?
Mingle politely.
11. If you got a dozen roses for your birthday, what colour would you want them to be?
This is the easiest question - assorted colors. I love getting the full rainbow of colors.