
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Knitting Goals

So, I've been putting off writing this post for basically all month.  Each day that I didn't write it, I would say to myself "well as long as you write it by the end of the month".  Well, it's officially the end of the month and here I am finally writing up my knitting goals for 2012.  I'm going to aim big this year because I'm feeling rather confident in my knitting abilities or at least more confident than I've ever felt.  In fact, when I look back on where I was knitting wise this time last year I am totally blown away.  Lately I find myself finishing projects faster whereas last year I felt like projects would take me forever.  Okay, so they didn't take forever but they definitely took me longer than they probably would now.  But enough about that, let's talk about goals.

Goal #1 - Knit a garment.  You might recall that I have the Einstein coat in progress, but that doesn't count.  When I started knitting that coat I didn't know what I was doing and didn't really start it the "right way".  What is the right way? While I'm not exactly what I'm sure what the right way means, but part of the right way should include knitting a swatch.  I never swatched for the Einstein coat, which might explain my reluctance to finish it.   I want to knit a garment that I swatch for and that actually fits me AND that I wear.

Goal #2 - Get published in a magazine and/or knitting website.  Part of this goal is out of my hands since I won't have any say on the magazine's end, but I can control the actual submission.  Essentially what I need to do is to design and item AND submit it to a magazine and/or knitting website.  Now, I do already have a pattern published on Knit Picks website via the Independent Designer Program, which I am very proud of, but here I'm talking about a submission where I have to keep it a secret until it is either accepted or rejected from the magazine.  I'd also like to continue submitting to Knit Picks as I've really enjoyed working with them.

Goal #3 - Branch out in my designs.  Basically this means that I want to start designing items other than shawls.  I'm still going to design shawls, but I'm interesting in trying to design a hat, wristers/gloves/mittens, and/or socks.  I'm already working on a hat design, well sorta working on one, so I have a good start on this goal.  Of those I listed, I think that the socks will be the hardest to design and probably why I listed them last.

Goal #4 - Knit more socks.  I love knitting socks but for some reason I tend to put them aside and then totally forget that I have them in progress.  Which is really bizarre since I really do love knitting them.  I love knitting things with a small circumference.  I think that the small circumference is about the cutest technique in knitting. 

Goal #5 - Swatch. Swatch. Swatch.  I am not a big fan of swatching, but in order to make items that fit (including socks & hats) you really need to swatch.  This year I am going to become a fan of swatching.  Note that this goal will directly relate back to goal #1 & #3 & #6.

Goal #6 - If it doesn't fit, then rip & repeat.  I did this recently with the Seedling hat and I couldn't be happier with the new hat.  I'm no longer going to not rip something because it doesn't fit.  I'm going to rip things and re-knit them so that they fit and I'm happy with them.

Okay, I think that is a pretty good list for this year.  I think that the hardest goal to achieve is going to be goal #2.  This is going to be the hardest for me because in order to submit to magazines and/or knitting websites I'm going to have to keep the design a secret.  Once I've finished designing something there is nothing I want to do more than post about it either on the blog or Ravelry.  I'm just really excited and want to share them.  Of course, if & when I can keep the secret and get the design submitted, then there is the issue of being accepted.  All I can do is try and for that I am excited.

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